Cell Suspension Dissociator 活細胞組織酶解儀
Mini Vertical PAGE System 蛋白質四片膠電泳槽系統
Mini Vertical PAGE System 蛋白質兩片膠電泳槽系統
Major Science Mini Pro 300V 電源供應器
Major Science 白光透光板-DI-WLA3/A4/A5-110
Major Science 雙LED光源式藍白光透照儀-MBE-200BW
Major Science 500 萬像素科學像機照膠系統-MS-UVCI-1100
Major Science SmartView Pro 200 萬像素 CCD 影像系統 (紫外燈標配)-MS-UVCI-2300
Major Science 簡易數位式凝膠照像系統 (不含UV Box)
Major Science 2400 萬像素經濟型數位式相機照膠系統-MS-MUV-IMG-CA
Major Science 經濟型 500 萬像素科學相機照膠系統 (含紫外光 & 藍光二合一燈箱)
Major Science 經濟型 1200 萬數位照膠系統 (含紫外光 & 藍光二合一燈箱)
Major Science 簡易數位相機照膠系統 (含紫外光 & 藍光二合一燈箱)
Major Science 經濟型 數位相機照膠系統 (含紫外光燈箱)
Major Science 簡易數位相機照膠系統 (含紫外光燈箱)
New autofocusing technology:
The LUNA-II™ automated cell counter has integrated a novel focusing mechanism based on liquid lens technology.
The liquid lens does not use any mechanical moving parts to change the Z stage. Instead, the Z position of the sample is rapidly obtained by the application of a small voltage to the liquid lens. The elimination of moving parts removes noise and significantly reduces the need for servicing. Even after multi-million cycles of focusing, the liquid lens does not require repair or service.
In combination with this novel focusing mechanism, the LUNA-II™ has integrated a new autofocusing algorithm optimized for cell counting.
Cell counting accuracy: De-clustering
The LUNA-II™ automated cell counting algorithm has been recognized to have the best-in-class cell counting accuracy.
The LUNA™ software has exceptional accuracy in cell de-clustering and can successfully count clumpy cells. The LUNA-II™ automated cell counter has inherited this well-known performance aspect of the LUNA™ software. Clumpy cells are de-clustered quickly and automatically, then counted as individual cells.
Reduced running cost:
Automated cell counters utilize disposable counting slides to eliminate washing steps of manual cell counting with the glass hemocytometer. Although disposable cell counting slides have several advantages, the increased running cost has been a substantial concern. Logos Biosystems developed a patented T-BOND technology to manufacture precision cell counting slides more efficiently.
Therefore, the unit price of counting slides became much more affordable, providing significant cost savings.
Reduced running cost:
Automated cell counters utilize disposable counting slides to eliminate washing steps of manual cell counting with the glass hemocytometer. Although disposable cell counting slides have several advantages, the increased running cost has been a substantial concern. Logos Biosystems developed a patented T-BOND technology to manufacture precision cell counting slides more efficiently.
Therefore, the unit price of counting slides became much more affordable, providing significant cost savings.
Options for staining methods:
The LUNA-II™ automated cell counter can count samples with or without trypan blue dye. The selection of trypan blue presence or absence can easily be chosen in the settings menu.
Cell size histogram and cell size based gating after counting, cells can be gated based on their size information provided by the LUNA-II™. The specific size of cell populations can easily be included or excluded on histograms.
Cell cluster map:
Counted cells can be sorted with cell cluster map, into single cells, doublets, or triplets.
The cell cluster map can be used to monitor changes in culture conditions or cell isolation/preparation protocols.
Review and Re-analysis option:
The LUNA-II™ automated cell counter provides a powerful review option.
A separate PC unnecessary. Users can open cell images directly on the LUNA-II™ automated cell counter to check previous results.
Various file save options:
The LUNA-II™ can store up to 1,000 counts onboard. After counting, the result is automatically saved in the memory, and previous count results can be exported via USB as a .CSV file for further analysis. The results and image data can be saved in three different file formats such as TIF, annotated TIF, or a PDF report file. The PDF report file contains all the data generated during/after the cell counting, i.e., the protocol used, cell counting results, date, raw/analyzed cell image(s), and histograms are included in the PDF report file.